Having a good landscape design is the first step to implementing a beautiful property. Living within aesthetically pleasing landscapes enhances our well being. We can provide either a new landscape design for your property, or modify your existing one to improve its value and beauty. We can offer something as simple as a one-time consultation with a hand-sketched drawing, or as elaborate as a total reinvention of your property with an architectural drawing to scale.

Our installations are always done with care, from small shrubs to large shade or specimen trees. We will aid you in choosing a sod or plant variety, based on sun exposure and soil types. We offer a one year guarantee on most plant material except in unusual circumstances.

Ongoing maintenance is important for healthy plants and trees, and for the protection of your landscape investment. Our routine maintenance and enhancement services include mowing and pruning, Turf and Horticultural treatments for diseases and pests, and bark or straw installation. We also provide grading, tractor and bush hog work for property clean-up. Debris can be hauled away to ensure the optimal beauty of your property.

As we live in an area with a long and hot summer season, landscape irrigation is critical to the health and protection of plant material and turf. Proper irrigation tactics will encourage plants to develop a deep root system and increase drought hardiness. We routinely provide a spring start-up check of systems, and repairs are made immediately so that systems are in good working order when the season begins. Modifications and new installations are also readily available.

A great hardscape design can define your outdoor space, while the plant material beautifies it. This service can be simple stepping stones across your turf, or elaborate stone work for flooring and fireplaces for your patio or indoor/outdoor living space.

It is most important to be aware of the health of the trees on your property. Tree pruning can encourage the tree into a configuration that is more ideal for the structural integrity. This will help to mitigate broken limbs and falling branches. Extremely damaged trees should be removed for safety reasons. We provide any and all tree services including removal,  pruning and stump grinding.

Do you own a seasonal home in Aiken? Call us for full service property management while you are away!

What We Offer

Willow Run Nursery provides most services from within our company, and we coordinate our special projects with experienced contractors with whom we routinely work.